Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Elevator and Class

I headed to class. I pass the security guard at the front desk in the lobby on my way to the elevator. The elevator is my means to get to class on the 9th floor of the building. The guard asks me to sign into the guest book since I left my pass at home. I sign in and then go quickly to the elevator, which a nice classmate holds for me. The elevator is filled with seven people, including me, so it's a little cramped. Just as the door is closing, one of the classmates whom I cannot stand is trying to stop the doors from closing. He uses a pen to stop the doors. Then, he grins and tells us that he doesn't want to use the elevator after all and tells us that he's going to take the stairs.

One of the people in the elevator calls jerk after him but I start to worry. Why would he take the stairs? The elevator doors close and one of the people toward the front hit the 9 button. However, the elevator doesn't go to the 9th floor. Instead, it keeps going and going until it gets to the 99th floor. Then, the doors open. I wonder if I should leave at this point and just take the 90 flights of stairs back down because I'm scared. I start wondering if my classmate did something to the elevators.

Just as the doors close, I start to hear screaming from the other elevator shafts. The floors start to change rapidly from 99 to 89. The people in our elevator start to float off of the floor as our elevator crashes down the shaft. One of the people in the front desperately presses the emergency brake button but nothing happens. We're going to die and I know this. All I can do is try and get the top panel of the elevator off in hopes of grasping onto the cable. However, I don't make it and I die. The security guards watch in horror as all of the elevator shafts crash and the screams cease. Class has been canceled.

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