Thursday, July 19, 2012

The House of No Escape

I was in my dad's parent's house. I was there with my mother but I wasn't sure why. It looked completely different from how I remembered it. My grandfather had added on an extra story to the house but you couldn't tell from outside.

The renovations weren't complete - there was plastic everywhere. I went up to the second story to find that the floor wasn't finished. You could go to the edge of the linoleum of the second unfinished kitchen and see the living room below you.

There was also a bathroom on the second floor. I went into the bathroom, stepping carefully, afraid I might fall to the floor below.

The bathroom had been finished and was painted blue. There were flags hanging above the mirror. Plastic flags, like you would see as advertisements at baseball games or on the sides of hockey games. The big, center flag was a Georgia State flag with a panther on it. That confused me. I reached out to touch it but as I did, my mom put her hand on my shoulder.

"So, what do you think?" She asked me.

I looked around.

"It's not like I remembered it to be. It's a bit eerie. Why are we here?" I asked.

She smiled.

"Because we own it now. It was left to us in the will."

I stood there dumbfounded.

"We have people renting it currently but I could kick them out if you want."

What I wanted was to escape the house but I felt like there was no escape. How were people living there? The renovations would take MONTHS to finish. How did we come to own it? I was so confused. I collapsed on the floor.

And woke up.

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