Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Zombie Apocalypse and Me

The zombie apocalypse had happened. What we had been dreading for years had finally come to a horrible truth. It started at the CDC. Someone let the virus get out and then the virus just ... spread. Rapidly. Everywhere. People died in huge clusters but didn't stay dead. They just sat up, looked right through you, and sometimes growled. The "zombies" have a need to eat human flesh, so we stay away from them. We learned that shortly after the apocalypse started and we still had TV. I miss TV.

Anyway, I had been traveling with a small group of survivors for a while. There were six of us total, and that was enough for everyone. If you had more than six people, it would be harder to hide and feed the extras.

We were out hunting for that night's dinner when I tripped and fell. I managed to twist my ankle. I don't think anything was broken but I couldn't walk on it for a few days. It was swollen and needed ice and elevation. The group leader looked displeased when he found out. The group kept on the move. That's part of what had kept them alive for so long.

After the group leader had given me some pain medicine, I went to sleep. While I was asleep, the hunting party got together and carried me into the gas station across town. Thankfully, most of the zombies had been terminated. There were a few zombies here but it wasn't considered "overrun." It had been a small town before it was a zombie safe haven.

I woke up slowly. My vision was a bit blurry. Then, I realized where I was.

The group placed me behind the counter in the gas station. They left me one shotgun a little sack of bread and cheese. They left. They went back, packed up camp, and moved on and LEFT ME in a town I was unfamiliar without any help and unable to walk unassisted. I was going to have to suck it up. I did notice that they had also left antibiotics and pain medicine for the next week.

I felt so helpless and depressed. I understood WHY my group left me but it still hurt. I thought they were friends. I grabbed the shot gun. I could take care of myself.

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