Last night, I journeyed to Augusta, GA. It all started with a phone call from my aunt telling me that my grandmother was going to the hospital. I drove as fast as I could to get to Doctor's Hospital. I somehow parked outside of the ambulance entrance as they were asking the ER for a stretcher.
My grandmother and my aunt came out of the entrance and saw me. My grandmother hugged me and started crying. She said that she was glad I came down. I'm not sure why she was there but my aunt told me that soon she would start to forget us all. I just felt incredibly sad.
I drove away in tears and ended up at a restaurant with belly dancers and food from Istanbul. As I was sitting down to eat before hitting the road again, the place was raided by police. I got out and got back to my car with an extra passenger. It was one of the waiters. He was going to take me to the myth buster's experiment set up in Augusta.
We arrived and Jaime handed me an assault rifle and a bullet. I was confused by the bullet. He had several targets set up with different numbers. He told me to shoot through the targets and for each target I hit, he would take money off of my credit card bills. I thought, all right. So, I tried to load the gun and didn't realize the gun was preloaded and the safety was off. I managed to shoot out a lamp with a spray of bullets. Jaime got really angry at me and started cussing me out. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me inside to inform the staff to give me the world's worst experiment award and that I was never allowed back. The staff looked shocked and I started to tear up. Jaime stormed out and the staff apologized to me. They said he wasn't normally like that but nothing they said made me feel better. I told them I was going to tell everyone how disrespectful they were and that they had no problem of me returning, I didn't want to. A girl from the staff followed me to my car and profusely apologized, but I just didn't care. And, I left.